If you’re already part of a community group, organisation or a building such as a Village Hall. We can help with your vital policies and procedures, making sure your paperwork is compliant and that you’re in the best position to apply for funding.

Dorset Community Action helps community groups, organisations, and people running community buildings, facilities, and village halls, to run better organisations, manage their liabilities, and secure the funding and resources they need.  

People choose us because of our teams decades of VCSE sector experience, ranging from funding, governance, to risk management, and  our tailored support to best fit your situation, rather than a one size fits all solution. 

Communities across England are being encouraged to support the 80,000 volunteers who keep our 10,000+ community buildings running as part of this year’s nationwide campaign.

Now in its eighth year, Village Halls Week 2025 – led by Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE) – highlights the invaluable role that these venues play in connecting people. This year’s focus is on the volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to maintain and manage these cherished community hubs.

Don’t forget to use #VillageHallsWeek on social media, click here to read more, see the week’s programme and access resources from ACRE.

Our in-house, Advisors can help you understand current guidance, legislation or funding options. We also provide bespoke consultancy to help you grow your Organisation.
Click here to read more
Use our interactive video quiz to see how well prepared your organisation is for funding applications.
Click here to read more
Put yourself in the best position for funding bids, stay compliant and sustainable as well as gain extra offers, exclusive funding news and ACRE network benefits.
Click here to read more

We provide advice to a wide range of VCSE groups, enabling you to become self-sufficient, sustainable and successful in establishing or growing your charity, group or social enterprise.   

We can help you to answer your questions, such as: 

  • Can charities trade?
  • Are charity trustees personally liable?
  • What documents do I need to send to the Charity Commission?
  • How can I fund my charity or community organisation? 

Our support can be accessed through: 

  • Becoming a DCA member
  • Free webinars and network events 
  • Organisational health checks 
  • Our training for volunteers, trustees, and staff / workers
  • DCA consultancy services
  • Organisational health checks

DCA’s online Training Academy allows community groups, charities and social enterprises access to a range of live and pre-recorded, online charity management courses, ranging from funding, to trustee recruitment.

We also run various events throughout the year such as our Annual Funding Event and Volunteering Fairs. Click here to sign up to our newsletter to find out more about these. 

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National Network

As an Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE) member, we bring you the most up to date and accurate national policy and funding information, on the issues that impact you.

Membership Benefits

Discounts in training and other services available for DCA members.

Policies & Procedures

Access to our legal and accounting partners to help you with your policies and procedures, making sure that your essential paperwork is compliant with Charity law.

Sign up as a Member to gain our extra funding bulletins, or click to receive our fortnightly e-newsletter.
If you need something extra then please use this quick ‘Make an Enquiry’ form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.