
This is a space where Members have exclusive access, we shall update it regularly with information, guides and downloads.
Not yet a Member? Sign up today and gain discounts on all training plus funding bulletins, exclusive access to the resources below and more…

A Resource Pack based on feedback from you

Useful resources and guides from Action with Communities in Rural England

Policy, Procedure and Guidelines, inc. Safeguarding Information

Sign up today!

Click the video above to hear more from David at Trent Memorial Hall. 

Our valued Members gain access to:

  • Discounts on DCA Training, Events and Support Packages

  • Our extra bespoke monthly Funding e-Bulletin

  • Exclusive access to our ‘Members Area’ with templates, fact sheets and resources to support your Organisation

  • Discounted rates for advertisements, event promotion and job adverts

  • Attendance and voting at our AGM and any EGM’s (n/a to Associate Members)

Differences between Memberships:

  • Standard Membership – £45 Annual Fee for VCSE organisations.
  • Associate Membership – £75 Annual Fee for Statutory/Corporate,  non-VCSE Individuals or those out of the County of Dorset. Your organisation will still get the same great benefits as Standard Members with the exception of voting rights at our AGMs.

As a charity we really need, but more importantly very much appreciate, donations to help us maintain our support across Dorset.
Your Membership and donations help support the many varied Organisations across all of Dorset’s communities, ensuring these important Groups remain legally compliant, stay resilient and sustainable for the future. 

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