Place Based Programmes
Dorset Community Action works with public sector organisations, communities and businesses, on a range of projects, to support both research and programmes within community & place.
Organisations choose to work with us because of our teams decades of VCSE sector experience, being well placed to connect community, public sector, and businesses through our reach into communities, and our local networks of over 3303 subscribing organisations. We live and breathe Dorset’s communities.
Dorset Community Action can support your Placed Based work by:
- Bringing together partners, community, statutory, business through community networking events
- Supporting better community consultation, and evidencing to increase chances of funding success
- Supporting funders e.g. Dorset Community Foundation, BIG Lottery, Lloyds Banks Foundation, with the development of place based approaches to future funding programmes, and brokering relationships with statutory sector partners.
- Development of Community Economic Development and Community Wealth building iniatives
- Using our established expertise and grant management systems, to act as accountable body and lead partner to run strategic partner programmes.
Develop integrated solutions to neighbourhood and place development through our expertise in community, employment, and environment.
Our membership of the ACRE network allows us to draw on national good practice in the regeneration of rural and coastal.
Draw on our experience and track record of community engagement, and partnership funding bid development and management.
Examples of our work:
- Community Economic development project: in 2016/2017 DCA ran a Community Economic Development (CED) project, working with community partners in the West Dorset town of Bridport, which developed actions plans of community projects, to re-localise the local economy, and evidence how many new jobs re-localised food, health & social care, and construction sectors might produce. Led by volunteer led working groups for these themes, the work has been integrated into Bridport Town Council’s Community Plan framework currently under public consultation.
- Acting as lead partner for the BIG Lottery funded Communities Living Sustainably (CLS) programme, with six delivery partners, and a programme value of £900,000 over three years from 2012-2016;
- Development of the Building Better Opportunities programme, liaising with the VCSE sector to inform the design of this Dorset wide employment support programme.
Inspire Dorset Brochure
What can you achieve?
Inspire Dorset,
supporting people into employment, training and setting up in business.